Explore how to use webhooks to receive real-time updates on actions your users take.
Webhook Events
Private Offer Created
Private Offer Updated
Private Offer Decisioned
Private Offer Purchased
Status Definitions
Status | Description |
Incomplete | The offer is in draft and hasn’t been fully completed. |
Open | The offer has not been started. |
Being Prepared | The offer is being actively worked on. |
Expired | The offer was not acted upon within a certain timeframe and is no longer valid. |
Delivered | The offer has been sent and is under review. |
Accepted | The offer has been accepted. |
Rejected | The offer has been rejected. |
Purchased | The offer was accepted and the final order form has been signed by both parties. |
Example Webhook Payload
"id": "12345",
"resource": "private_offer",
"type": "private_offer_purchased",
"createdAt": "2024-09-02T12:34:56Z",
"updatedAt": "2024-09-02T15:45:30Z",
"status": "Purchased",
"requesterName": "John Doe",
"requesterEmail": "",
"requesterCompany": "Exampe Co",
"decision": "approved",
"suppliersAndProducts": [
"supplierName": "Acme Co",
"productName": "Acme Software Suite",
"productVersion": "v1.2.3"
"decisionedAt": "2024-09-02T14:00:00Z",
"purchasedAt": "2024-09-03T10:00:00Z",
"purchaseAmount": 25000,
"listPrice": 30000,
"savingsAmount": 5000,
"currencyCode": "USD",
"details": "Special discount applied for early decision",
"scope": {
"product": "Acme Software Suite",
"tier": "Enterprise",
"howSoonToBuy": "Within 3 months",
"licenseQuantity": 100,
"desiredTermLength": "12 months",
"desiredBillingFrequency": "Annual",
"addOns": ["Advanced Security", "Priority Support"],
"replacingExistingSolution": {
"answer": "Yes",
"product": "Moore"
"evaluatingCompetitors": {
"answer": "Yes",
"product": "Go Co"
"additionalPurchaseRequirements": "Need integration with CRM system"
"purchaseIntentScore": 85