Discover Savings Potential
Explore potential savings across your entire SaaS stack by supplier.
See how your existing contracts stack up against what others are paying in the market. Vendr’s data-driven insights allow you to easily compare your current spend with that of your peers, ensuring you’re not overpaying for any supplier.
Showcase Potential Saving Opportunities
Vendr analyzes your user’s current spend and uncovers savings potential across the board. By leveraging our extensive network of data, we’ll guide your users on how to reduce their spend and avoid overpaying, ensuring you’re users are getting the best possible deals compared to their peers.
Savings Tactics and Recommendations
Get expert and tailored negotiation advice to help your users achieve the best price for their existing SaaS spend. Our tactics guide your users in the negotiations, ensuring they can approach suppliers with confidence and knowledge, ultimately helping them achieve more favorable outcomes.
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